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Population: 55 million

Size: 130,279 km2

Capital city: London (8.878.000)

Other cities: Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds

National Day: Saint George

Currency: Pound

England is a country in the United Kingdom. The largest city, as well as the capital city of the country (both England and the UK), is London, but there are also some other important cities like Liverpool, Portsmouth, Brighton or Newcastle.


England is famous for its literature and writers, for example Thomas Moore and William Shakespeare. However, it is important to mention that England has a great modern musical heritage, as we could say that the Rock and Pop music was developed here. The Beatles, Queen, The Clash and the Sex Pistols are just some bands that influenced the worldwide music and nowadays people from all over the world know their songs and anthems. 


England is also famous for its beatiful landscapes. The longest river is the Thames and the highest mountain is the Scafell Pike, with nearly a 1000 metres. In case of travelling to the country, it is worth it to visit the Skidaw massif and the Lake Distric.


It is important to mention that many people is able to speak Cornish too, mainly in the region of Cornwall, in the south-west part of the island. 


Maria Beasly:

Maria was born in Philadelphia in 1880.


She was an inventor and brought 14 inventions to two differents countries.

Beasley was married in 1865. Some years ater, she invented the lifeboat.It was a very great invention.

She had invented too a barrel-hooping machine,which she showed to the world in  the Industrial and Cotton Exposition in 1884. Later Maria wanted to have a better life and she invented a fire proof.


Maria died in 1891


Maud Wagner:

Maud Wagner was born in 1788. She was the first woman tattoo artist in the world.


In her youth she worked as an acrobat and contortionist in several traveling circuses in Paris. In 1904, in one of these shows at the fair in Louisiana, her beauty caught the attention of Gus Wagner, who called himself "the most artistically tattooed man in America".


In 1907, the couple started dating. Afterwards, many trips were married and they had a daughter named Lovetta who made her first tattoo at the age of nine.


Maud Wagner used a tradicional tecnic it was called stick and poke. She inspired many women who made her life change completely.

Juana I de Castilla:

Joanna I of Castilla was born in Toledo. Her parents were Fernando and Isabel. Fernando and Isabel were kings of Castilla. Joanna was a princess and she married Felipe el Hermoso.


Her dad prefered a boy and Felipe wanted to be a king. Felipe and Fernando wanted to kill Joanna and they said that Joanna was crazy.


Juana died on April 12, 1555 with 75 years.


Ana Frank:

Ana Frank was born in 1929 the 12th of July, she lived in a house in Germany with her family and her sister, Margot.  Because of the nazis, they had to live their house and go to a new country, to Holland.

They were jewish and the germans nazis did not like them. But years later, the nazis came to Holland. Ana Frank and her family had to hide in the roof of a house.


Ana Frank's dream was being a writer, so while she was hidden she wrote hid diary every day. They spent a lot of time hidden in the house , but one day the nazis discovered them. They took them and they separate the boys and the girls. By train they brought them to a horrible place to work very hard without food, clothes,...A lot of people died, among them, Anna.

Ana´s father could save his life. He went back to the house and discovered Ana´s diary. He publish it and to realised Ana´s dream, to become a writer.


Federica Montseny:

Federica montseny was born in Madrid. She was the first woman being a minister of Spain and Europe and people say that she was of the world too.

She was the daughter of two anarchist catalans. When she was a little girl her mother educated her on house because her mother was a teacher. She began to write and in 1920, at only 15 years old, he published his first short novel, entitled Tragic Hours.


They studied on the university of Barcelona philosophy, letters and feminism. In the months of November of 1936 and May of 1937, Federica took over the Ministry of Health and Social Assistance in the government.


She died in 1994 because she was a victim of a terminal illness.


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